2018 Roadtrip: Day 3 - Midwest To Rennsport Reunion VI
End of Day 3 and we’re in Lake Tahoe! Started the morning going to a shop to collect Bryan Rasch’s 911 that he shipped to Salt Lake. The shop had the car for a week to do some final fixes on an oil line so it would be ready for this morning.
Annoyingly, they were still working in it today. The final member of our crew, Jay, landed at SLC airport this morning, so I popped over to grab him. From this point on I have a copilot, as he’s riding with me. Bryan’s car finally complete, we ran back to the hotel to collect our things and check out.
On the road a little after noon, we headed out on I80 (yes, still I80), en route to Nevada. On the way we stopped at the Bonneville Salt Flats for a photo op before continuing into Nevada.
Hit Reno around dusk where we FINALLY left I80 to head South on I580 into Carson City. By this time it was dark as we jumped onto Hwy 50 for the final 20 or so miles into Lake Tahoe.
We rewarded ourselves with dinner at one of the few places still serving food, the Lucky Beaver, before returning back to the Hard Rock Hotel for our overnight. Drove around 650 miles today over 8 1/2 hours with stops. Bryan and Jay joining the caravan also added a bunch of technology in the form of camera gimbals and GoPro cameras for some pretty stellar video. BTW - a HUGE thanks to Tony’s wife Jessie for handling the reservation legwork.
Side notes: Jessie got a couple hours behind the wheel today, and today marked the first day the Targa top came off.